GLOBAL LIMITED (GTGL) was established in September 16 2018 by Mrs Enaifoghe Margret who is the (CEO) and it became fully incorporated may 6th 2022. The organization started business with four low income women who collected the sum of twenty thousand naira (20,000) each in Sasa area of Ibadan, Oyo State.
The organization is a business oriented, non-profit sharing, non-political, non-religious and non-governmental organization (NGO) met to address the financial needs of economically active people engaged in small trading that requires micro financing in the environment where we operate. It promote sustainable livelihood for the less privileged in the society. It was established to also address the intricacies the underprivileged encounter accessing fund from the conventional banks. The organization has positively affected so many lives especially Oyo state from 2018ntill date.
It is a membership organization which implements action program through series of financial services delivered to the door-step of it members and is dedicated primarily to economic empowerment of the less privileged, capacity building and improvement of the socio-economic of the active poor who engaged in small and mediu enterprises.
GOLDEN TISACOTE GLOBAL LIMITED (GTGL) was incorporated as private company limited by shares
The office is located at NO 2, Idifan street opposite IITA, Moniya road, Ibadan Oyo state.
The company is a private company and the liability of members is limited by shares.
The founder and the chief executive officer (CEO) of GOLDEN TISACOTE GLOBAL LIMITED IS Mrs. Enaifoghe Margret Irene